Lunes, Hunyo 20, 2011

Hercor College Students 2011

     HERCOR COLLEGE is known for its "Best for Less" logo which means serving quality education in the lowest possible price, that is maybe one of the reasons why students prefer to be enrolled in such an affordable College. Since then, HERCOR COLLEGE stole the tittle of the most no of students among Colleges here in Roxas City and 2011 enrollees can prove it.
     Lower tuition fee does not really mean the quality of education is in sake, because from the president to the management and faculties guaranty  to value every single cent you are paying to educate your children for they also know how difficult is living nowadays and education is the only thing we should achieve to assure a brighter tomorrow. and because technology and the most modern facilities and equipment ,HERCOR COLLEGE can serve you that assurance. 

          Today, HERCOR COLLEGE is in the middle of its success in fulfilling its vision to serve the "BEST FOR LESS".



Linggo, Marso 20, 2011

Why students should be serious in taking up a college course!!..

  Why do students should be serious in taking up their course??..
                                                                   _sir jun_
      We as persons ,usually should do the best we can in everything we do for us to gain sucsess. For doing that we must be focussed and serios in every task given to us! ,

      Same with studies, students must take a college course seriously for them to be able to accomplish it. they must give their hearts and focus to be a successful professional someday...

why should students must take a college course??!....

                                              " It's a must  "   

     Even we admit it or not, our country today is in a crisis. Even those who have finished their studies are having hard times finding a decent job. So what makes you think those who havent can?


       If students nowadays thinks of what they might be about ten years from now. Or even thinks of giving a decent life for his\her future family, then they must take and finish a college course.    _erl_

Linggo, Marso 13, 2011

Reasons Why I decided to take up a Compouter science Course??...

     It is obvious nowadays that people depends more on technology.     Computers nowadays are the most reliable and most useful source of information and a "must" in every office.  And most of hiring of jobs today required computer literature.

    So i decided to take up computer science as my course.  Hopping that it will make it easy for me to get a decent job for my future wife and children.  So i'am determined to finish this course hopping for my brighter future!!....    _babes_